Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Days of Change, Episode 5: Fiscal Responsibility (click here for mp3 file)


Carrie S said...
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Carrie S said...

hey, Kowskey how about you get one of your campaign Aids to fix this Episode 5 link, and then we'll talk about fitful responsibility. what kind of a friggin blog is this?! Is this any way to treat your consitchuants? - Eric @ Stop & Shop, Passaic
ps you left your cheddar slices on the counter yesterday--we still got em here for you

Eddie McOwskey said...

Hey Listen up Erics. How come it says Carrie S? Are you Erics or Carrie S? Whoever you are, I hope you put those cheese slices in the cooler, pal. They're no good to me spoiled. I'm starving. Maybe I'll swing by and see if that cheese is still around. Thank you for your support.